Blackshades 5.4 Private was creadit to Lion Tiger, I made it simplest way for you. No need more work for setup and re-configure . I design the simplest way with message notification for you understand whole process without doing mistake.

 Blackshades v5.4
+ CloudFlare bypass added to network stresser
* Faster screen shot manager (compression added)
* Faster and more stable webcam manager (compression added and some bugs fixed)
* Password manager updatto work with latest browsersed
* Live logger has been updated and is now more stable
* Keylogger faster and more quiet
* Runescape logger updated and now very accurate and works with more clients
* AD Clicker updated and is now bulletproof with ADs by Google

IF you want easy , just fix your loacal IP , for those use broadband connection, like me,everytime connected to internet the local IP always change. This tool make easy for you

DOWNLOAD Blackshades 5.4 FULL Version
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